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last updated 18.Nov.2007

Ant Brood

Ants undergo complete metamorphosis, much like that of butterflies, where they pass from egg to larva to pupa before maturing into an adult ant.  Below are images of these immature ant life history stages.  Note that some species (such as Amblyopone pallipes) have pupae that are enclosed in silken cocoons, while others (like Aphaenogaster picea) have exposed pupae.

Click on thumbnails to enlarge. Images will open in a new browser window.
Acromyrmex versicolor

Amblyopone oregonensis

Amblyopone oregonensis

Amblyopone oregonensis

Amblyopone oregonensis

Amblyopone pallipes

Amblyopone pallipes

Amblyopone pallipes

Aphaenogaster picea

Aphaenogaster picea

Azteca alfari


Bothriomyrmex sp.

Camponotus festinatus

Camponotus festinatus

Camponotus ocreatus

Cephalotes pusillus

Crematogaster smithi

Eurhopalothrix procera

Forelius pruinosus

Formica moki

Iridomyrmex sp.

Iridomyrmex sp.

Lasius alienus

Lasius alienus

Lasius nearcticus

Lasius pallitarsis

Lasius pallitarsis

Leptogenys attenuata


Monomorium ergatogyna

Myrmecia tepperi

Myrmecia piliventris

Myrmecia pilosula

Myrmecia pilosula

Myrmecocystus mimicus

Myrmica sp.

Mystrium sp.

Ochetellus sp.

Onychomyrmex sp.


Papyrius sp.

Paratrechina sp.

Pheidole californica

Pheidole desertorum

Pheidole pilifera

Pseudomyrmex sp. nr. pallidus

Pseudomyrmex spinicola

Sericomyrmex amabilis

Sphinctomyrmex sp.

Stenamma dyscheres

Tapinoma sessile

Technomyrmex difficilis

Tetraponera clypeata

Temnothorax andrei

Turneria bidentata

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